Friday, September 1st | National Food Bank Day



    When you wake up on the first Friday in September make a commitment for National Food Bank Day to contribute to the cause that believes no one should go to bed hungry.

    Hunger may be as close as your neighbor or your coworker in the next cubical.  Bare cupboards and empty stomachs look just like yours and mine behind closed doors.

    Food banks across the country help some of the 42 million men, women and children who struggle with putting food on the table. The reasons range from illness to job loss and a general change in circumstances. Circumstances that can happen to anyone of us.

    For parents struggling to make ends meet, the ability to look their children in their eyes over a meal instead of into hungry eyes is a difference made by supporting food banks. Food banks fill the gap for those living on a meager budget.
    Many food banks offer educational opportunities that help people change their situation and begin anew. Often, those who have benefited from the programs return to volunteer and contribute to the very food bank that staved off hunger to do the same for others.


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