Find your groove and Get Funky on October 5 for National Get Funky Day!
Turn up the energy, improve the mood, smile, laugh, dance and share the enthusiasm everywhere you go. National Get Funky Day encourages everyone to break out of their funk and get funky. When we add a little spice to our everyday routine, it keeps life interesting. Watch your interactions between customers, coworkers and loved ones improve. Funkiness is infectious! National Get Funky Day is a day to celebrate life, spread love, laughter, and light!
Get funky by wearing the brightest clothes, dance to happy music, smile, laugh, let your hair down, high five and hug people. Have a party, help a neighbor, be positive and have fun! Whatever you do, step out of your normal and Get Funky! The goal is to generate as much positivity as possible, that the day will go down as the funkiest in History.