Monday, October 2nd | National Consignment Day



    As the seasons change and our lives evolve, so do our styles and budgets. On the first Monday in October, National Consignment Day offers a way to elevate both. The new holiday celebrates consignment as the smart, sustainable way to shop, earn money and extend the lifecycle of your items.

    Check your overstuffed closet and what will you find? In everything from designer clothes to evening gowns and fine jewelry, last year’s blue jeans and the never-worn is the opportunity for cash in your pocket. Conversely, is your wardrobe looking a little thin? Update it by shopping consignment, which offers new and gently used, name-brand items for a fraction of the retail price.

    Another bonus: nothing ends up in the landfill.  That’s right! Exchanging someone else’s fashion sense for your own keeps the cycle of good taste going.


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